Do NOT Flame/Insult/Spam/Provoke/Prejudiced in-game as this could interrupt others gameplay which could lead to a warning, mute or even a ban if the problem consists.
Do NOT discuss political and religious factors, since we aim to prevent any misunderstanding caused within the Community.
Do NOT create multiple accounts on our server, this is a flat line rule now introduced since many players create accounts to increase their cash or get better statistics; we aim to make the server equal for everyone, anyone caught multi-accounting without a valid reason could be severely punished.
Do NOT ask for money, or anything of the sort that would be boost your statistics as we all play fairly.
Do NOT call for an Admin, constantly spamming an admin would not get you anywhere, if there is an issue let us know but you do not need to spam Admin in the chats if no one is replying.
Do NOT use anything that affects fair gameplay, including anticheats, using this breaches MTA's Rules and Violations leading to a permanent ban if caught in action.
Do NOT use any other language except English in Global.
If you see a team member misbehaving, sharing confidential information regarding the project or anything along the lines, please report them to a Higher Admin.
Think before you type, since keeping your opinions to yourselves sometimes is the best thing to do.
Make sure you respect all players at all times in order to prevent fights and arguments.
Posting a Join Request then asking Clan Members could lead to a Join Request Erasure.